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C-FARMs meets with stakeholders

Last Monday, January 23, 2023, the partners of the LIFE C-FARMs project organized, involving some stakeholders from the sector, the first of two planned meetings on the review process of the proposed Carbon Farming Certification Standard.

After a research work of stakeholders interested in the project activities, called stakeholder mapping, the partners in charge of this activity directly contacted the identified entities, institutions and associations to involve them in the process of drafting the Standard.

The webinar, attended by 40 people representing 23 entities, was designed to directly engage with stakeholders, and the comments received will further supplement and refine the document being drafted. 

Thanks to this type of activity, the C-FARMs project, is therefore also open to discussion with those implementing carbon farming practices that may be subject to certification, through precisely the tool of the standard.

The second webinar is scheduled for Thursday, February 23. During this meeting, the changes made to the document will also be analyzed due to the proposals made by the EU Commission on the European regulation of carbon farming certification.

The project partners would like to thank the stakeholders who are devoting time and expertise to the goal common to all: sustainability of Carbon Farming practices.


The project supports the design and implementation of targeted payments for the application of Carbon Farming practices through the development of a regulatory framework for a carbon certification system in collaboration with relevant actors and institutions.



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