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Life Co2pes&pef logo


Funding institution:

European Commission – LIFE Programme

Project description:

The main project aim is to support the forestry systems in CO2 storage and in preventing fire and windthrow risks by:

  • Identifying a set of ecosystem services and assessing their benefits;
  • Improving forestry and forest-based industry systems;
  • Creating an ecosystem credit to finance the same ecosystem services.

The main forecasted results concern the environmental and socio-economic impacts of the LIFE CO2PES&PEF Project which will contribute to improving forestry management by increasing CO2 absorption, mitigating hydrogeological risks and preventing fire and windthrow risks that would result in additional CO2 emissions.


LIFE Carbon
Farming Scheme

Funding institution:

LIFE Preparatory Programme of the European Union.

Project description:

The goal of the project is to identify and accelerate the development and adoption of novel incentives for carbon sequestration and the increase and maintenance of the organic carbon stock in soil and biomass in Europe. With the aim of promoting a well-functioning voluntary carbon market the project will uncover the key factors in supply and demand measures to invite the private sector to accelerate climate action. The results of the project will be fed into the development of the EU agricultural and climate policies.


Funding institution:


Project description:

LIFE GEOCARBON is a preparatory project establishing processes and data mining for permitting the future realization of a Carbon Farming Calculation Tool. The added value of the GEOCARBON project is to involve farmers to fill the gap which exists in the acquisition of Activity Data (Agricultural Practices). The project will encourage farmers to insert the data relating to their Activity Data by using a friendly mobile web-GIS application on their smartphones. The provided Activity Data will be saved automatically in a Geospatial Database that will be the core of the project.

LIFE Go.Pro.For. (LIFE17 GIE/IT/0006)

Funding institution:

LIFE Preparatory Programme of the European Union.

Project description:

The LIFE GoProFor project aims to define and disseminate forest management tools, the good practices (BP), aimed at increasing the uses compatible with conservation issues within the Natura2000 network. The BPs are derived from the decades-long experience of LIFE program. The project also intends to encourage the exchange of forestry experiences sustainable and BP for the management of forest habitat biodiversity in the Natura2000 Network, through training and information actions, with the aim of increasing the level of awareness both of the institutional managers of these areas, and of all those who exercise, with the their activity, an influence on the conservation of habitats and species. By good practice we mean an initiative (for example methodologies, projects, processes and techniques) which has already been successfully tested and has the potential to be moved to a different area geographic. Among the BPs included in the project, several are dedicated to sustainable forest management also aimed at improving the carbon balance in the forest.



Funding institution:

Regione Marche P.S.R. 20142020 Sottomisure

Project description:

The CO2 Stored in Forests Management MARCHE project (CO2 S.Fo.Ma. MARCHE) has as objective is the Active Management of Forests and the employment of forestry workers in a way continuous and professional in the mountainous areas of the Marche Region, with particular attention to the crater area of the earthquake that occurred in central Italy a few years ago. The Sustainable Forest Management (GFS) of the woods of the SAF (Agricultural Forestry Society) Marche, Tronto e Monti Azzurri is certified by a voluntary certification recognized by Accredited third party Certification Bodies, to increase carbon storage, prevent forest fires, hydrogeological instability, soil erosion, protecting the woods themselves and biodiversity, contributing to good quality water and air, mitigating temperatures and climate change, enhance the landscape and offer better tourist-recreational services. The project involved the creation of a specific methodology for the quali-quantification of Sustainability credits obtainable from GFS, GFS certification according to the PEFC scheme of approx 10,000 hectares of private and public forests, the creation of a computer platform that allows the meeting between those who generate the Sustainability Credits and potential buyers who want offset their own greenhouse gas emissions.
