
LIFE C-FARMs project main objectives are linked to:

  • Creating high-resolution demonstrative geospatial information system (GIS-FARMs), which will identify the mitigation potential of the agricultural sector of Lombardy region
  • Divulgative knowledge and data with relevance for the area of interest useful for the creation of the high-resolution demonstrative geospatial information system (GIS-FARMs)
  • Identifying information and research gaps
  • Supporting the development of a regulatory framework for a carbon certification system in collaboration with relevant stakeholders
  • Verify the possibility of use of common methods and/or reference data and/or data sets in partecipation with climate change research institutions, as well as mutual exchange of knowledge on greenhouse gases from the agricultural sector
  • Support in design and implementation of targeted payments for the application of Carbon Farming practice.


LIFE C-FARMs expected results are related to the creation of a methodological and normative framework communally applicable to enable a wider uptake of Carbon Farming practices.


LIFE C-FARMs is also linked to the creation of the high-resolution demonstrative geospatial information system (GIS-FARMs), which will identify the mitigation potential of the agricultural sector of the selected region.

Lastly, LIFE C-FARMs wants to develop a regulatory framework for a carbon certification system in relation to carbon farming practices.


A. Implementation actions

A.1 Farms statistical and economical data and spatial information gathering

A.2 Carbon farming practices – cropland and livestock management

A.3 Carbon Farming – Tree Plantation and Harvested Wood Products

A.4 Creation of the High-resolution geographical information system for the reference region (GIS-FARMs)

A.5 Regulatory framework and Carbon certification system

A.6 Evaluation of the application potential of IT tools and development of a prototype demonstrator web  application for the management of “Carbon Farming”

A.7 Demonstration at Farm and Regional Level

B. Actions for comunication and for dissemination of project lessons

B.1 Project Website and social media tools

B.2 Networking with other LIFE and/or non-LIFE projects

B.3 Workshop on the Demonstration at Farm and Regional level

B.4 Final workshop

B.5 Layman’s report

B.6 Project brochures and Notice Boards

C. Project management and monitoring of the project progress 

C.1 Project management

C.2 Project monitoring and indicators

C.3 Final Report and AFTER-LIFE plan