The closing conference of the LIFE C-FARMs project was held in Rome on July 18 at the Confagricoltura in the historic Palazzo della Valle dating back to the 16th century, registering a great success with the audience both in attendance and remotely connected.
Moderated by Daniele Rossi (Confagricoltura), the conference entitled “CARBON FARMING: PRACTICES AND TOOLS FOR SUSTAINABILITY: Results and Evidence from the LIFE C-FARMs Project” began with words from project leader FederLegnoArredo in the person of project manager Chiara Terraneo.
Then space was given to the technical presentations of CREA-PB (Sonia Marongiu), followed by the intervention of CMCC (Tashina Petersson), the contribution of CREA-FL (Leonardo Rizza) and Rete Clima (Pietro Acrami) to arrive at the presentation of the main project results presented by PEFC Italy (Antonio Brunori), University of Tuscia (Anna Barbati) and Terrasystem (Claudio Belli) to conclude this section with the intervention of Roberta Papili (Confagricoltura).
The morning continued with speeches by the invited guests from the project partners who spoke in the order Giulio Volpi (European Commission-Directorate General for Climate Action – DG Climate), Alessandra Pesce (CREA-PB) and Stefano Brenna (ERSAF – Lombardy Region) who spoke about the work carried out in the field by their respective institutions, and also analyzed the possible project spin-offs in technical and political terms in the near future.
As part of the project, the presence of the business world,which in practice will find itself applying the evidence and tools developed in the project, has been crucial since its inception. The entrepreneurs who concluded the conference with their testimonies were, Nicola Gherardi (Giunta Confagricoltura) and Nicoletta Azzi (Assopannelli – FederlegnoArredo).
For more details, the recording of the entire event, available from here, and the link to download all the presentations shown throughout the morning (you need to scroll to the bottom of the page) are provided.