Carbon Farming on abril: a review of news from around the World

Within the LIFE C-FARMs project we are starting a Carbon Farming press review that will take us to spot and present some news on carbon farming practices and related initiatives. Here, our April update.


GreenBiz Group, since 1991 recognizes the inextricable link between climate change and social change, in this article  highlights the gap of sustainability, and also the way to fill it: the Carbon markets.

Euractiv, an independent pan-European media network specialized in EU affairs, established in 1999,  focuses on the EU Farm lawmakers wanting to have their  say on land-use emissions framework:

The Young Witness, a tri-weekly newspaper serving the Australia’s south west NSW, reports the first carbon farming scorecard has backed Australia’s “world leading” use of fields and forests to reduce emissions:

The Irish Farmers Journal, a weekly newspaper which provides farming news, specialist advice, market data and country living features to the Irish agricultural industry with 263,000 weekly readers, in this article reports that the EU should have a multi-dimensional approach of Carbon Farming, oriented to both carbon stock and xonsidering other environmental aspects. Let’s read which ones together.

Can Carbon Farming Practices Affect Food Supply? The Irish with 110 years of history, reports the answers of the EU ministers, that answer clearly “the production of food should not be hampered by the roll-out of carbon farming”. The full article at the link:…./eu-carbon-farming-should-not-affect-food-supply

Ruminantia, un web-magazine gratuito destinato a tutti gli operatori della filiera produttiva del latte e della carne proveniente dall’allevamento dei ruminanti, riporta gli esiti del consiglio dei ministri dell’Agricoltura dell’Ue che si è tenuto in data 7 aprile a Lussemburgo. Tra i temi chiave trattati risultano la Sicurezza alimentare, riforma IG, carbon farming e sostegni per gli agricoltori, per saperne di più clicca al link:

Il Carbon Farming avrà un gruppo di lavoro dedicato nella nuova Politica Agricola Comune (PAC 2028-2035), ed AIFE Associazione Italiana Foraggi Essicati e la filiera Italiana Foraggi porteranno il loro contributo al tavolo. Questo è quanto riportato dal Corriere dell’Economia, il portale informativo che ospita articoli di interesse settoriale e territoriale per operatori economici, enti e istituzioni, nell’articolo che vi presentiamo:

ItaliaOggi storico quotidiano di indirizzo economico, giuridico e politico, illustra come in Scozia grazie al Carbon Farming il valore della terra si sta spingendo in alto:


The project supports the design and implementation of targeted payments for the application of Carbon Farming practices through the development of a regulatory framework for a carbon certification system in collaboration with relevant actors and institutions.



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