Carbon Farming in the World: July news of Carbon Farming from around the world by C-FARMs project

The LIFE C-FARMs project has selected these news, coming from all over the world, explaining the world of carbon farming, and some testimonies of companies that adopt these practices.

Carbon capture potential of agroforestry and trees on farms. A Chinese Academy of Sciences  scientific publication in Circular Agricultural Systems, focused on the study of the use of trees in agriculture, that can pave the way toward a transformation of the global food system:

Cultivating carbon, for profit and for the environment. Reported on tv and web article of CNBC (Consumer News and Business Channel),  even several start-ups are springing up to help Farmers making thousands of dollars from carbon credits:

Carbon sequestration and Regenerative agriculture to maintain a global decline in soil quality.  From the Iowa State University, professor Al-Kaisi explains in this article how these tools can play a key role for reversing global centuries of soil degradation.

Cover crops: a “hope green dot” for agriculture that captures carbon against climate change. We read on this article, deriving from an interview from Kansas City’s NPR member station. “Instead of leaving the land uncultivated, cover crops are used for hold the carbon dioxide, or the greenhouse gasses, it helps hold them so they don’t get released out into the atmosphere”

And if we could measure carbon capture in real time?  Agritech company Agrimix is working on a  ‘toolkit’ helping measuring carbon capture in real time. This is what is reported in this article of Financial review, the 70-year-old Australian finance magazine.

Need some clarity on the carbon credit market? Some of these answers can be found in this article, on Agrinews. Another interesting article, to learn more about carbon credits, you can read it from here.

We all know that it is now essential to sequester carbon from the atmosphere, but do we know how this is created and what its cycle is like? Let’s find out together in this article, published on, a source for carbon news, carbon pricing, carbon investment opportunities and more.

Here’s how, with technology, a startup fights drought in the Po Valley (Italy). This article talks about how carbon farming and precision agriculture have allowed an Italian company to tackle drought and limit losses, as well as being useful practices for the stock of atmospheric carbon. There is also talk of C-FARMs, as a LIFE project to study in detail Carbon Farming and its applications in Italy and beyond. Here is the link to the article:


The project supports the design and implementation of targeted payments for the application of Carbon Farming practices through the development of a regulatory framework for a carbon certification system in collaboration with relevant actors and institutions.



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